Formed in 1982, the AIMS Group* is a Purchasing and Marketing Consortium representing 8 regional independent paper merchants in the UK working together in unity to the benefit of the Group, other members of the Group and themselves, under collective direction and agreed objectives.
- To maximise the collective Group’s purchasing leverage through Group deals and agreements
- To source quality products from global, market-leading suppliers
- To support our suppliers
- To demonstrate loyalty to those suppliers who reciprocate this loyalty
- To obtain the best possible overall deals with suppliers
- To ensure meaningful rebates are available, recognising that these act as the ‘glue’ which holds the deals together
- Unless exclusivity is granted, to source, where practical, two (or more) lines of supply for complementary products without diluting purchasing power to ensure competitiveness
- To work with key suppliers to ensure that together we maximise opportunities
- To work with suppliers to identify key markets and, with mutual support, ensure a presence in these markets
- To support suppliers’ marketing activities and promote products in the AIMS portfolio
- To generate appropriate sales collateral cost effectively through supplier sponsorship and collective economies of scale, providing members with tools that could otherwise be cost prohibitive working individually
- To collaborate with suppliers in developing marketing initiatives for subsequent Members’ approval
- Where required, to conceive and develop own brands to meet specific, identified Group needs
- To support suppliers’ marketing activities and promote products in the AIMS portfolio
* AIMS is an abbreviation of Associated Independent Merchant Stockists Limited